Monday, June 29, 2009

Late, Late Update.

Sorry for the MIA status the past few days, but I have been very busy. Camp is super fun and the weather is finally starting to turn for the better. Bluebird and warm is in the forecast for the next week so it should and epic week. Last week the weather wasn't too good so it wasn't the best week. But now that we have had a few nice days behind us, its noting but smooth sailing for the next week.

I miss home a lot, and miss the people at home even more, but I am also having a blast with all my west coast friends.

Enough babbling, on the with the images.

Just a little homie chilling under the chair on the way up.

The daily view of mine.

Once again, a daily view.

Colin D Watt sending it deep through the kink. Homie kills it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Neil Part Three.

Just part three.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On HIll-Day Two/Three

The last two days have been super fun on hill. Good snow, good friends, good riding and some good weather. Onto the images.

"Check it Neil, nosepress!"-Blasman.



Beebe frontbizzy.

One of my daily views.

And another.

Monday, June 22, 2009

On Hill-Day one.

So today was the first day of actually working on hill at COC. Here are some images from today.

This is the view I had from the very top entrance to COC. It snowed ALL day long and was quite miserable, but still very fun!

Tower 4, aka the Nomis tower, aka people are in trouble.

Neil Young's breakfast in a margarine container.

Brody is SAVAGE!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


...Neil Young part two.

NY from steve powling on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day Three - Orentation.

Today was pretty mellow again, most of the day was full of orientation for camp. Followed up by a pretty good dinner at 21 steps. Rode my bike a bunch today as well, super fun around here. Just a short update today, on hill tomorrow and really excited for it. More updates and pictures coming tomorrow.

Friday, June 19, 2009


...the one and only, Neil Young.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mellow Day Number Two.

Just had a mellow chill out day around the village to get used to the time change and see some homies.

Ate some dinner at Mongolie Grill tonight because it was the last half off price night. Absolutely delicious to say the least.

Best meal I have had in Whistler ever. Period

Such an amazing set up.


Just some images and events from my arrival to Van and the trip up to Whis plus the first night in town.

BrockleCHE! hitching a ride with us back from Van.

I thought this was kinda funny.

This vest and pant combo outfit was amazing.

All is well.

My flight went well and even arrived early. Hung out with the homies brody and colin d watt in Vancouver for the day before heading up to whis. Had a few adventures along the way. Ended up going out tonight to celebrate my return, and like always 6137 was bumpin'! Lots of cool people, a few ladies (not to mention a few whores giving me "the eyes", that I easily fended off with complete lack of interest in that shit). Besides, I miss someone a bit too much to be getting into that shit anyways.

Anyways, more info and pics coming tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Here we go...

...well, here I go that is. Last week I received a call from Brody and Colin D Watt offering me a volunteer security job at COC. It was super last minute and they needed to know if I wanted it ASAP. After thinking about it for an hour or so I was down for it. 4 weeks of riding COC for free with all the BC homies? I fucking think so!

So I booked my flight, quit my job, packed my shit (bike included) and am off to Whistler tomorrow morning. I resurrected my old GEEZUS blogger so I could provide everyone with day to day pictures, stories and other shit that is going to be going on for the next month. Check back daily for updates.