Monday, June 29, 2009

Late, Late Update.

Sorry for the MIA status the past few days, but I have been very busy. Camp is super fun and the weather is finally starting to turn for the better. Bluebird and warm is in the forecast for the next week so it should and epic week. Last week the weather wasn't too good so it wasn't the best week. But now that we have had a few nice days behind us, its noting but smooth sailing for the next week.

I miss home a lot, and miss the people at home even more, but I am also having a blast with all my west coast friends.

Enough babbling, on the with the images.

Just a little homie chilling under the chair on the way up.

The daily view of mine.

Once again, a daily view.

Colin D Watt sending it deep through the kink. Homie kills it.